First blog post

Well, well well….my first blog post. This could be the beginning of something productive or I could lose a lot of friends rapidly. We’ll see how it goes. I made this to fulfill a requirement for one of my classes but I may actually put some effort into trying to entertain, or least not bore the hell out of whoever reads this.

First off, lets talk about the Super Bowl for a minute. Being as my team wasn’t in it, a hole needed to be filled. I could have gone either way. Many of my friends here in South Carolina are Panthers fans, through and through. I really have no connection to the Denver Broncos besides the fact that my wife and I got food poisoning once from some chicken pizza from Papa Johns. I was surprised by the rise of the Panthers this season, especially with the loss of their best receiver before the season even began. It was good to see my friends so excited for their team so far into the season, as I have shared that elation with the Bills, but usually only until about weeks 3-5. We all know what happens around then.

After some thought, I decided to root more for the Broncos in the end. By end, I mean in the days before the big game. I really only had one good reason and that can be defined by one dumb face….


The fact that this bozo had two rings and his brother only had one could not be the ending of this family saga. Granted, I know Peyton had little to do with the win besides not turning the ball over toooooo many times, but he has a second ring nonetheless. Eli is a terrible two-time World Champion. Peyton holds several records and will not have this hanging over his legacy for eternity. Luckily, Eli will never go to another Super Bowl because he turns the ball over more than someone that does something an exorbitant amount of times.

It is going to be hard for me to focus these blog posts on one particular subject so i’ll probably just let them go wherever the breeze flies. If it is going to be a reflection of my brain then there probably isn’t going to be much direction. Just a lot of ideas.

Where is the damn spellcheck……


Really though….

Post number two! Lets keep the streak alive! I often debate to myself if I would rather live closer to my job as opposed to almost an hour drive home. Of course I value my time with my family more than anything, but music, and the radio in general have been such a huge presence in my life and this is the only real time I have to enjoy it. My ipod definitely needs some updating but most of the content I listen to now is through streaming with bluetooth. This is a big deal to me because my last car didn’t even have an AUX jack.

In the last couple years I have started to listen to various podcasts. In recent months, one in particular has taken over most of my drive time. I can listen to Marc Maron’s WTF! for hours without switching. Marc Maron is a 50-something year old comic and star of his own television show on IFC. His podcast consists of a monologue and an interview with someone Maron felt was worth spending an hour or so with. It doesn’t matter who is on, I am listening. He has interviewed everyone from Aziz Ansari to President Obama to Aaron Draplin (owner of Draplin Design. Look him up). It’s all good to me.


No matter what you think about the President, you have to admire the fact that this comedian was approached by the White House staff and was able to get the POTUS to come to HIS house and do a podcast in HIS garage. Pretty amazing.

One of the best interviews I heard on WTF! was the one with Ru Paul. I have evolved over the years to a much more open minded individual and find it extremely interesting to hear about the fight people go through just to be who they want to be. We are free and should act as such, within reason, without breaking laws, or getting into trouble, or hurting anyone else, or being annoying, or looking stupid, or….you know what time it is.

Maron represents freedom in the fact that he has no boss. No one to cater to. No one to make happy besides his fans. He lives through every day knowing that he made that himself. I hope to someday be able to say that for myself as well. No masters. Just building a dream, not working for the weekend.

Download the WTF! app.

I’m tired…